"Chinese Rambo II"
8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
7/10 for the cast. 5/10 for CGI 8/10 for Action 5/10 for Plot/acting This movie is purely a chinese rambo film, it should be watch as one. This is better then the first one, specially the action part. Don't worry about what some people call propaganda in this. Unless one consider Black Hawk Down a political or Propaganda film, you would enjoy this just fine. Do turn your brain to half power just like Transformer-film or Fast and Furious Films!

The film over all, bring to mind The Rambo 3. There isn't that much political and social message like in First Blood(rambo 1), well it is a chinese action movie. Action is ofc better now days, and for the most part Hollywood style, look's good, just don't think about it too much. And ofc just like Asian action movie in general, it has more Hand to Hand combat then Hollywood movies.

CGI sucked. Most likely because they use all the money to get real "toys" to film. Which in many ways good. As all "toys" look's good.

Cast and plot was as usual, nothing really that stand out if you watch this as Action films. Well, acting was better then Transformers, but hey, you go for giant robot on that one, and in this one, you come to see guns and tanks and alot fist flying. Don't expect much on this too parts!

There is quite less of nationalistic over tone like the first one. I won't rate this even close to as a propaganda film, simple because it cast Chinese guy as good guy, and paint a "ok" but "savior" picture of Chinese military. Unless we also consider Rambo 3, Black Hawk down and most of Hollywood made action film are also propaganda films. But yes, there are few typical political message in it, about Chinese been the good guys here, but overall the nationalistic tone is much much less then what you expect from a war movies(And just like US war movie, if you want Military to help you make film, you can't really make military look like morons in it or make the country look bad). And also there are quite few chinese bad guys also in it.

And no there is no anti-america sentiment in this movie. Only few line and one scene that may consider Anti-US, but even in those few lines, the dialog was made as joke not real Anti-US. "Why aren't US marine come to save you?",.... "How did you contact them? " "....By Tweeting them!". o.O
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