Review of P.O.W.

The United States Steel Hour: P.O.W. (1953)
Season 1, Episode 1
20 April 2018
This episode of "The US Steel Hour" is about a group of soldiers who were taken prisoner during the Korean War and their adjustment during their stays at a military hospital. Each has responded to the stress in different ways....and while some acted tough and others were considered inspirations, they all were deeply affected.

When American prisoners of war returned from the Korean War, folks were surprised at how emotionally damaged many of them were. Soldier after soldier had been tortured and brainwashed in order to get them to renounce the country and their involvement in the war. This led to shows like "P.O.W." as well as movies like "The Rack" and "The Manchurian Candidate". What makes "P.O.W." so unusual is that it came out immediately after the war...and it ends on a very open-ended manner because folks didn't know exactly how these men would adjust to like in the real world.

Overall, this is an extremely well made, well acted and very effective of the better installments of the series I have seen.
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