Eureka: Once in a Lifetime (2006)
Season 1, Episode 12
Science Ficion Drama
15 May 2018
The last episode of the first season on Eureka is a drama - this is a significant note, as even though there has been plenty of well-played drama throughout the season there has always a comedic element to balance it out on the sci-fi backdrop. This episode is largely sad (and it is from the opening moments) and emotional, but well written and presented (only a cheesy overlap plot line towards the end prevent this episode from being rated as a 10). The viewer is challenged to rethink the motivations and actions of characters from the whole season to see how they look different in light of the season finale. The best episodes of Eureka have been rooted in the heart of the townsfolk of Eureka and Once in a Lifetime is one of those episodes. The emotions ring true even as the landscape of Carter's world changes drastically. They (and we) are set up for an entirely new experience in a familiar setting for season two. Not a happy birth, but the potential (and hope) is there.
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