The Voices (2014)
Mr. Whiskers Nailed It
25 May 2018
If this review was just about Mr. Whiskers, I'd give it a 10.

Sadly, it isn't.

I love Ryan Reynolds, so when I came across this, I thought: "Yeay! A Deadpool-like movie." Trust me; it is not.

I also LOVE "dark" humor, sarcasm, double-entendre, dry wit ... (you get the picture), so after watching this, I had to really ask myself why it was that I found it so horrifying. All I could come up with is that maybe I wasn't expecting, going in, how dark a dark-comedy this really is.

Even towards the end, I kept thinking there was a twist coming that would make it not quite so dark. As such, to me, it was an assault on what I deem to be my not-so-thin-skinned sensibilities.

I may be the only one, but I hated it.
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