25 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Take a heavy drinking, down on his luck, chain smoking private eye, who lives in his office and the reminds you is who? I'll give you a hint, there was an annoying cartoon rabbit named Roger in it. That's right Eddie in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" which was a significantly better movie.

In this disaster we have Charlie who talks fast, has the fat, greasy, and bald cop as a frenemy, and too many hot girls he's not getting any tail from. He wears Hawaiian shirts with ties, and blackmails his stings into buying the pictures the wife already paid a certain amount for to prevent her from seeing them.. He uses a stripper who ends up disappearing on a sting with some old as dirt scientist who is some genius as smart as Einstein, but is dealing with Tesla.

Now add in Robert Vaughn (The "Original" Man from U.N.C.L.E) as this scientist 85 year old neighbour who will fight Charlie while wearing a collared shirt, tie, his boxers and lederhosen. Then add Matthew Broderick as the wealthy but stupid, worst bad guy who has some sexual game he plays with his hot as the sun sister. The add this scientist's assistant who is apparently smarter than he is (whatever happened to Igor) and you get.. but wait..

Let's take yet another professor who was being blackmailed by Charlie and make him Charlie's friend who helps him evade bad guys. Let's take Jeanine Garafalo as a faster talking FBI agent , or is she? Add the Serbian version of the FBI (at some point not long ago was known as the KGB) and to top it off.. a billionaire daredevil who has designed what has nothing do with the plot but everything to do with the title of the movie and you find out what "The American Side" really is.

It is something I'd prefer a root canal over then watching this.
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