Flawed But There Is Some Great Stuff Here
28 May 2018
The Vampire and the Ballerina (1960)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

A small town has had three vampire attacks on the full moon and locals are terrified that something evil is stalking them. Not everything believes these myths and that includes a troupe of young dancers who end up staying at a castle but it doesn't take long for the vampire to come after them.

THE VAMPIRE AND THE BALLERINA, or its original title L'AMANTE DEL VAMPIRO, is credited for being one of the earliest Italian horror films to mix sex and violence. The film today is quite tame in regards to both but it's easy to watch the film and see that it would have been an influence on several others that were to be released but at the same time there's no question that it's a flawed picture to say the least.

I think the biggest problem with the film is the fact that there's really not too much that happens throughout its running time. There are very long stretches where we basically see the characters either talking or not doing a thing and this really makes for a slow film and one that you're going to need patience with. There are a couple other extended sequences with the girls doing their dances and this here is just as boring, although I'm sure people in 1960 enjoyed watching these beautiful ladies and their big breasts packed into these tight costumes.

With that being said, there are some very good things scattered throughout the movie that makes it worth watching. As I said, the ladies are quite beautiful and easy to look at throughout the picture. There's also some nice atmosphere and especially the opening sequence, which gets the film off to a great start. Then there's the vampire himself who looks wonderful. I really liked the deformed monster look that they gave the vampire and it made the attacks all the more effective. There's also the ending, which I won't spoil but it's wonderful too.

THE VAMPIRE AND THE BALLERINA isn't a masterpiece but it is an important film in Italian horror cinema. As I said, there are certainly some flaws with it but the picture is certainly worth watching.
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