One positive thing emerges from viewing this film:
3 June 2018
Garrett Hedlund

Yes, I'd have to say that watching this film was worth seeing Garrett Hedlund. I have liked his voice since hearing him sing in the film 'Country Strong.' Other than that, this was a dreary, sad, grim depiction of NYC life - and fairly accurate if you do have to be in that city when the sun is not shining and you don't happen to live in one of the fancier boxes they call apartments or even houses.

The main character is unlikeable - so unlikeable that I did not want to learn the pronunciation of his name. I did not care. Lucky for the audience, the scriptwriters stress the pronunciation of his name half-way through the movie so that you have to remember it. Is it important to like the main character? No. But it helps to have some shred or spark of charm to catch your attention.

I'm a bit familiar with folk music and live coffee-house folk music. I'm more than a bit familiar with the Hootenanny generation (that was my generation). I even have a relative who sings in coffee houses and writes songs. It is that dreary, yes - scrambling to play for a pittance. Only the very devoted and dedicated stay with it hoping to someday have a life that allows them to pay rent money from this kind of work.

Having Bob Dylan sing in the coffee house at the end was the perfect wrap-up to this film for me. His voice is very cat like, twangy, even yowl-y as a cat might yowl. He is a song writer but a crappy singer. Still, a very successful one.

Which should inspire all Llewyn-type characters: if Dylan can sing and twang his vocal chords as well as guitar chords with fabulous success, so can you!
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