Vile, just vile
23 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the worst of SS's films. Where to start? First is the inclusion of an annoying stereotypical smartass teenage child who thinks she is smarter than the adults around her. I despise this in movies. I despise children in movies. Oh and she is an African-American indicating she is the product of an interracial coupling! Oooooooo so shocking and trendy!!!! In reality it is quite boring and dated. This child serves no purpose and adds nothing to the plot except to get in the way. I kept wishing she would be the first to be killed and eaten. This whole POS is just like a slasher film from the 80's. A whole new group of "actors" are brought on screen to be killed...but not the useless "lead" actors. Moore's performance was just awful. She comes off as an arrogant insufferable know it all who is more knowledgeable and better than those around her. All at once she is a dino doctor, a professional pharmacist for an extinct species, a sharp shooter, a survivalist, an animal rights advocate and extremist, mother figure, feminist, and on and on. I wanted her to be eaten ASAP. Goldblum just plays the same snarky ass character he plays in every movie. The whole goodie two shoes personae of the "good guys" is enough to give anyone loose bowels and projectile vomiting. The whole man bringing evil to animals sequences was better done in Avatar. How Vince Vaughn ever made it as an actor is a mystery. He is just a pudgy waste. Oh and let's not forget the whole trailer off the cliff. Very predictable. This waste was made just for the money. Even SS realized what a mess this was. It would have been better if he had them killed off. But no, the "leads" are immune. Again, the movie was awful, predictable and over 2 hours of life I will never get back. Avoid at all costs!
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