Review of Comin' at Ya!

Comin' at Ya! (1981)
Great post-era spaghetti western, and the film that kicked off the 1980's 3D craze.
24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
By 1981 the Italian western was completely dead having pretty much run its course by the late 1970's. But, that didn't stop genre staples director Ferdinando Baldi and actor Tony Anthony from cranking out one last explosion filled ride and what better way then in 3D. This is one I had always wanted to see but either couldn't find it or never had the chance, I've always enjoyed Tony Anthony especially in his "Stranger" series witch were pretty much lower budget rip offs of Sergio Leone's "Dollars" trilogy. But, he shines in Baldi's 1971 western "Blindman" the best. While the story is pretty much just a routine revenge plot, where a man rides off to save his kidnapped wife from two bandit brothers, what defiantly stands it out is the 3D concept, and they literally throw everything but the kitchen sink at you darts, snakes, guns, beans, rats, spears, grasping hands, spiders, a bowling ball, bats, gun barrels, swords, cowboys falling down stairs, a spinning yo-yo and pinwheel, gold coins, apple peels, flaming arrows and a baby's bottom. Its all pretty awesome, and comes off very surreal sometimes especially when viewed in 2D. While the routine story and slow plot at times hinders this from a four star rating, there's a lot to enjoy hear especially if your a western fan. Defiantly will get repeat viewings in the future.
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