Review of Outrage Coda

Outrage Coda (2017)
Not as Good as the Previous Two Outrage Movies
5 August 2018
Being a huge fan of the first two Outrage movies, I anticipated the newest (and apparently last) Outrage movie in the franchise, Outrage Coda.

After watching the movie I had the definite sense something was missing. The most obvious was that many of the participants in the first two movies weren't there. They were all killed off either in the first or second movie. There's plenty of mob killings in Outrage Coda. Yes, there is action galore, but ....

In my opinion, the absence of Detective Kataoka, the slimy, scheming, corrupt detective who was the Iago to Otomo's Othello is a serious drawback. His conniving scheming between the major crime families and between Otomo and the crime families provided the drama which made the story and the action compelling. Detective Kataoka is not in Outrage Coda obviously, he was done away with in Beyond Outrage, but the scheming, conspiracies, and intrigues between the two families are. This results in a lot of back-and-forth between the families, conspiracies, action, and shoot-outs, but an overall less interesting movie than the first two.

Takeshi Kitano is a good filmmaker, and it is a good movie. For this reason, whether or of you are a confirmed fan of the first two, you should purchase this movie. If you are an Outrage fan, you will watch the first two movies a lot more and this one less.
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