Stir Crazy (1980)
A truly lightweight 1970s Comedy
12 August 2018
A truly lightweight 1970s comedy that just happened to be released in 1980. Stir Crazy raises numerous smiles and provokes not a few cringes but laughs are few and far between in this meh prison caper. Many characters appeared and disappeared and reappeared just to service the paper-thin plot with no attempt to show how or why anything was really happening or indeed how the lawyer's female friend knew things she couldn't possibly have known having not been privy to those conversations. The love story is totally phoned-in and completely unbelievable whilst being pretty much unnecessary to the actual plot. Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder are given nothing to work with here and Wilder in particular resorts to manic at every opportunity with Pryor seemingly forced to follow suit. Again things just happen with no build-up seemingly just to get us to the end of the film! Stir Crazy is an unremarkable "comedy" that plays it safe from start to finish but forgets to actually provide a competent plot. 3/10 - Not worth watching except if you're bored and feel like an inane "comedy" with lots of smiles but few actual laughs.
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