Modern Family: Party Crasher (2013)
Season 4, Episode 12
One of the best Modern Family Episodes
29 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Problems with most sitcoms, in my opinion at least, is the fact that in one episode a storyline shines and is very focused on, while other storylines just seem dull. In this episode of Modern Family, however, all three families are shining with their own plot, each funny in its own ways.

First, we have Cam and Lily, which includes Cam trying too hard to bond with Lily, but each time failing even harder at doing so. Here, not only the physical stuff (Cam literally makes her go to the ER three times) is funny, but Lily's sassy remarks are also so enjoyable to watch.

Then, we have a very pregnant Gloria, attempting to hold her baby in just so that he doesn't share a birthday with Manny. Gloria's attempts, Jay's witty one-liners also make this storyline shine. Also, I find this line very relatable, despite having no siblings of my own. You can definitely feel the Modern Family warmth here.

Last storyline, my favourite, includes the Dunphys. I think, despite the episode being named after the newborn Pritchett, this storyline is the main one. Because you get to see that Phil can actually get angry, jealous and all girl-fathery. I usually find this stuff funny, but since it's Phil, it gets twice as funny, since we are not used to seeing him so geniunely angry. We usually see Phil as a father that loves his children, but in this episode it just highlights how important Haley is for Phil, and their last elevator scene is just the sweetest.

Long story short, this episode is perfect in almost every way possible. I watched it many many times, and will keep watching it whenever I'm bored and want to laugh out loud and also get kind of emotional in the end.
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