A good setup - which sets up a poor final act
30 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has an interesting premise and ideas - the possible challenges of a long term lesbian marriage in society today; how the children of sperm donors explore or not that part of their genetic heritage, in contrast to their raised heritage; how that exploration would impact on adoptive parenting.

These valuable themes are first presented in sometimes dramatic, and funny and thought provoking ways - even tantalising ways. Then this brilliant setup and potential is completely wasted by implausible and silly plotting in the final quarter of the movie, and deafness to the issues raised.

'Lesbian' has affair with her children's sperm donor - is she then bisexual? How does her partner understand that, and the deeper implications of what has happened? The donor, falling in love as part of their affair (which he clearly does): this, and his growing relationship with his children changing his sense of commitment to other people - how has this happened to him, and why? The children growing closer to their donor dad, not just to their long term moms - how do they balance and make sense of the love their donor dad is developing, and has developed, for their biological mom now?

Great questions - and they are totally steamrollered and ignored at the end. Moms simply go into total denial about what happened, and all of these questions - and simply eject donor dad with anger from their lives (as well as the lives of their kids). Its all smiles and laughter again with everybody, like nothing happened. It feels like a total cheat, betrayal and cop out from the writers - and it is. The writers evidently like heterosexual man bashing, because that's what happens at the end, as you'll see. And critically - not a thought in the script is voiced for the long mental wellbeing of the children, in suddenly being made to separate from their new father - who is clearly pining to see them, and they him.

There's obvious signs within the movie (that only the most thick headed won't pick up), that the children will be deeply troubled in their lives as a result of this separation - and their moms couldn't care less.

Only if a sequel comes out addressing properly the fallout from what happened, and these questions, could this movie ever be considered great. If it really is a two parter in disguise, I'll revise my review in future. As it is now, its a huge disappointment thematically, and by ignoring the issues highlighted, may even reinforce dangerous stereotypes, like 'lesbians are secretly straight, the right man just has to come along to f#!k them' ; and 'children don't need fathers, they're really just a bad influence deep down'

The Academy should have been ashamed in nominating this film for anything. Maybe they were happy it reinforced these stereotypes. Worrying, if that's the case. Avoid.

Gets four stars only for the quality of the questions it first provoked.
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