A real letdown
31 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
TWISTED OBSESSION is a very strange, slow-moving and unsatisfying mystery drama that comes as a Spanish/French co-production with a Hollywood cast. Supposedly based on the novel, it suffers from not knowing exactly what it wants to be, leaving it all over the place. The plot is increasingly murky and leads to some uncomfortable moments, but never really goes anywhere, and if you're looking for loose ends to be tied up satisfactorily then you've come to the wrong place. I only watched for the cast, and they don't disappoint; Jeff Goldblum works hard to invest his character with something - anything - but struggles with the part, and who can blame him? Miranda Richardson and Dexter Fletcher are equally underutilised in turn. A pity, as you get the feeling that this might have been something interesting had it had better writing.
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