Top of the Line 50s Sci-Fi - The Phantom Planet
3 September 2018
Even though it was made in 61, I would include this film in the classic 50s genre of science-fiction. The script, for what it is, is fairly tight, as is the able direction of the actors, who are quite believable in the context of the film. Although one monster looked like ET on steroids, one is able to suspend disbelief just for the fun of it. These movies were FUN. It was not necessary to spend millions of dollars on special effects; the producers, with creative set designers, a creative script, and reasonable stretches of the imagination, were able to allow viewers to use their imaginations, instead of spoon-feeding every idea and emotion to the audience, like most modern sci-fi films do (with rare exceptions). The rating of Sci-Fi movies needs to be changed. The simple A or B ratings are too general. It is the same as rating students in a classroom. There are other ways to classify students other than A or B. An A film like Space Odyssey or Star Wars, is obviously an A film. This would obviously be a B film. But there are dozens of horrendous sci-fi films that are lumped in with the good sci-fi B films. Those films should be rated as C films. Does it take that much of a leap in understanding cinema to be able to rate films on three levels instead of two? Recommended to see how good sci-fi can be made on a limited budget.
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