Review of Operator

Operator (I) (2015)
Totally Absurd and Implausible.
3 September 2018
Absurd and implausible!

No other police agencies are monitoring these 911 calls? No other backup cops are responding to assaults, murders, terrorist acts? Just these two cops, nobody else? Could two Atlanta cops just go from crime scene to crime scene, and never report in to superiors, or to headquarters?

A police officer is injured in a serious automobile accident, and no ambulance, no paramedics, no fire truck arrives to help and examine him? He just goes on to the next call? One dozen plus citizens tied up in a bank robbery, and no other responders come to the scene other than the two "heroes" of this move?

Some clown is able to completely commandeer the 911 call system of a major city, to the point of dialing a particular operator (Mischa Barton)? And he can play videos on the screen of said 911 operator? And he can watch the 911 Operator via the cameras in the 911 room? Yeah, sure.

And how come every time the hero cop calls into headquarters, his call goes directly to his wife at the 911 center? What?

By the way, this Ving Rhames guy is a horrible actor. He is only famous because he has been promoted by "The Culture". He cannot act, he is boring as H-ll. The only reason he is a "star" is because of affirmative action.

Speaking of Mischa Barton, has she heard of Jenny Craig? Packing on those extra pounds is neither healthful nor attractive.

This is one of those movies that you will fast forward through, waiting to get some action, or some answer. Save your time - you will find neither. Finally - how many times can how many different actors call someone "Baby" in the same movie? This must be a record! *** Bonus - the final van chase is the only enjoyable part of the film. Cut to the chase, skip the rest of this lame-o movie!
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