Thunder II (1987)
Somehow, they made Thunder better!
11 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the first forty minutes of Thunder 2, the movie recaps the first film, is a rookie cop drama, tells us about corrupt cops and then becomes an Italian exploitation version of Cool Hand Luke. If you're not in, you'll never be in. This is why I watch movies.

Remember the last time we saw Luis Martinez - Thunder to you and me? He was blowing up an entire town and beating up cops. Well, now he is a cop! How did this happen? How could this not happen?

Even crazier - he gets assigned to the town that he already destroyed and has to work with the same cops who ruined his life. That said, Thunder proves to be a pretty good cop, even winning the trust of his old archnemesis, Sheriff Roger (Bo Svenson). He even busts a transgender person who nearly knocks him out!

Of course, the cops are still corrupt. Deputy Rusty Weissner still has it out for Thunder and sets him up, making it look like he's a drug dealer. Thunder has to go to prison and try to survive the box. If only he didn't have the worst drunken attorney ever!

Thunder breaks out, taking a cop car with him. He tries to get a fair trial, but Rusty attacks him and flips over the jeep carrying Thunder, his pregnant wife and the drunken lout. Thunder's wife loses the baby and he goes on the run again. When he meets her at the hospital, she tells him to get revenge.

Oh he does. There's an army on Native Americans, exploding crossbow weaponry, tomahwaks and Mark Gregory stiffly walking around wearing warpaint. Holy Rambo, this movie! It's everything fabulous about Italian exploitation without zombies or sex crazed killers.

Fabrizio De Angelis returned to direct the sequel and he brought along the most prolific writer in Italian sleze with him, Dardano Sacchetti. Magic ensued.

In the end, the sheriff just lets Thunder go as he's innocent. He tells him not to ever come back and his drunk lawyer laughs and take a shot. In front of a cop. They pull away and the sheriff takes out a rifle, watches them in the scope and shoots. The end.

Were they trying to make a Billy Jack ending?

Take my word for it. This movie is perfect. I mean, Mark Gregory hanging off a helicopter? Slouch walking around dressed as a cop? Native Americans having their own special doctors? This movie says it all.
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