Dracano (2013)
Dragon apocalypse
17 September 2018
Was not expecting much from 'Dracano'. The premise was mildly interesting but sounded absolutely ridiculous at the same time. The cover indicated that 'Dracano' would be a cheap-looking film that would also be poorly done in pretty much every area and perhaps with the potential of being intelligence-insulting. Saw it anyway out of curiosity and as part of my low-budget viewing quest, just in case there is a wonder as to why it was seen in the first place.

The good news is that 'Dracano' is nowhere near being one of my worst low-budget film viewings recently, or worst film viewings full stop. That is not saying that 'Dracano' is a good film because it really isn't, on the most part it's very weak and its worst assets are terrible. It is every bit as cheap-looking and silly-sounding as was expected reading the plot summary and seeing the cover. However, 'Dracano' is not unwatchable, it is at least a film that didn't make me feel angry and depressed after watching.

'Dracano' is not one of those films that bored me to tears, confused the heck out of me or insulted the intelligence.

Its best asset is the climax which is quite fun and has the tension that the rest of the film lacks sorely in. Corin Nemec tries his best in a competent if not always inspired way.

However, 'Dracano' does look as though it was made in a rush and on a very low budget. It is drab and unfocused in how it's shot and lit and the editing is sloppy and not always cohesive. While there are worse effects around, the effects are still artificial and afterthought-like, never blending with its surroundings and certainly less than special. There is little personality yet alone threat or intrigue to the threat. Similarly tension and suspense are next to none, parts are ridiculous (the bizarre science being one of the main offenders) and the film takes itself too seriously in the melodramatic and soapy family subplot.

None of the stereotypical characters engage or developed enough to make one care for them, most are bland ciphers and some are downright annoying, especially the bratty daughter. The dialogue is enough to make one cringe and weep, the direction is pedestrian, the rest of the acting is histrionic or robotic and the story is painfully predictable with everything easily foreseeable well before occurring.

Altogether, weak but not unwatchable. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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