A cowboy movie dressed up as a Mad Max movie
27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts with a long battle after the end of the world, bringing you in before there's even any story. Who even cares if there's a story? People are getting killed left and right! We have 5 heroes here -- who would assume are the Texas Gladiators. They are Nisus (Al Cliver, Endgame, Warriors of the Year 2072), Catch Dog (War Bus), Jab (Harrison Mueller, She), Red Wolfe (Hal Yamanouchi, Rat Eater King from 2019: After the Fall of New York) and Halakron (Peter Hooten, the original Dr. Strange!).

They have to save this monastery, but they just sit and watch as more people get attacked and a priest even gets crucified. What are they waiting for? And then Catch Dog tries to rape one of the survivors! You guys are the heroes? Well, at least they kick him out after that.

That girl ends up being Maida (Sabrina Siani, Oncron from Conquest!), who hooks up with Nisus. Years later, they're all settled down, the rest of the guys have gone their own way and Catch Dog has started an evil gang. Just like your friends from college.

Of course, Catch Dog's gang attacks the town where Nisus lives with his family. Surprisingly, they fight back the invaders, but then a vaguely Nazi army attacks and defeats our hero, shooting him across the forehead. Then the army kills and rapes everyone and everything, taking the town apart.

The leader of this army, Black One (Donald O'Brien, Dr. Butcher M.D. himself!) tells everyone that he's in charge. They then take Nisus and force him to watch his wife get raped. This movie has more violent sex than -- oh, Joe D'Amoto and George Eastman directed it? Yeah. It figures.

So what happens with our hero? He attacks one of the guys and gets shot a hundred times and dies. Is that the end of the movie? Nope.

Our old friends Halakron and Jab find Maida, who has been sold to a gambler, and Halakron wins her in a game of Russian Roulette. They all get busted for a bar fight, where they get tortured in salt mines. Luckily, Red Wolfe comes to save them.

Catch Dog's gang attacks, but our heroes fake their deaths. They also meet up with a gang of Native Americans. Jab has to defeat one of them in battle to get them to join with our heroes. Of course, he wins. He's Jab, bro.

Maida gets to kill Catch Dog, but Jab doesn't make it. He dies in his friend's arms because this is an Italian movie and even the heroes can die. Luckily, Halakron gets to kill Black One with a hatchet. So there's that.

Halkron, Red Wolfe and the Native Americans win the day, save everyone and then ride off into the sunset, because post-apocalyptic Italian movies are just spaghetti westerns with shoulder pads.

This one was written by our old friend George Eastman, who also helped Joe D'Amoto direct it. There are better post-apocalyptic films than this. But there are worse ones, too.
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