Angel: Ground State (2002)
Season 4, Episode 2
Episode 2: Electric Boogaloo
15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Ground State", Angel learns of an artifact that can help him figure out the whereabouts of Cordelia. In the gang's quest to steal it from its high security vault, Angel comes across another thief, a superhuman with the power to control electricity. The thief, Gwen, ends up with the prize after momentarily zapping Gunn to death before bringing him back. She attempts to hand it over to her employer who attempts to kill her. Angel comes in and saves the day. No longer receiving compensation for it, she gives the artifact to Angel. He uses it to discern that Cordy has transferred to a higher plane.

Meanwhle Connor roughs it on the streets and is watched by Angel and Wolfram & Hart. Lilah and Wesley's romantic entanglement continues. Angel makes up with Wes but the latter seems uninterested, now being used as a contractor for WR&H.

After an incredible season opener, the follow-up delivers as another solid episode. The new character of Gwen is intriguing yet perplexing. The Buffy-verse has never really had out-and-out superheroes. Buffy and the other slayers in the world are the closest thing to it. Everyone else is either a demon, a vampire, a ghost, a witch, etc. But Gwen (at least for now) appears to be just an ordinary human with superpowers. There's no magic spell around her or anything like that. We even got her X-Men-like origin story in the cold open. It seems like a weird wrinkle to introduce so deep into a world's narration.

But besides this, season 4 seems to be developing smoothly. Wes's character arc is quickly becoming the most fascinating throughout the entire Buffy-verse. From his bookish demeanor when first introduced on BtVS, he has come a long, long way. I'm excited to see what's in store for the former "rogue demon hunter".
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