Review of Rosa

Doctor Who: Rosa (2018)
Season 11, Episode 3
Another poor script talking down to its audience.
21 October 2018
I wanted really to love this new series but we are now three episodes in and the quality is just not there.

I'm not a fan of Jodie as The Doctor so far, but that is just a subjective thing. I appreciate other people will love her and I think that's great. But I personally think she's not been given the material to shine in the role.

I haven't minded the story ideas so much. I'm most disappointed with the quality of the story telling, the script and the "after school special" acting which feels like it's talking down to the audience most of the time.

I hope the show makes it through this period. Sci-fi fans are very discerning and have gotten used to seeing a better standard than this from Doctor Who.
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