Obviously aged, but watchable enough
28 October 2018
Funnily enough, like Mcdamsten in a user review from 2004 I entirely coincidentally got round to watching this tonight, on demon's night the 28th October...literally the night of the demons.

Alas, this didn't elevate the film to spookier levels. It's not just the monster which has aged, the clumsy way the plot reached its denoument was very 50's. The stilted stagey unnatural dialogue, overly-melodramatic musical cues, rather bland characters and insubstantial story added to the sense of watching an old film rather than disappearing into a timeless story. Village of the Damned & The Haunting have aged much better in this respect.

Saying that, a 5/10 is borderline worth watching, depending on what you're after. Night of the Demon is fairly entertaining at times and is sometimes atmospheric and well-shot. Despite the furry rubber monster figure the creepy hi-pitched sound-FX and sparkly glowing smoke used to signify its arrival still works well today.

Recommended for horror connoisseurs & historians.

Not recommended if you're allergic to old films.

Borderline if you're open-minded.
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