The Walking Dead: The Obliged (2018)
Season 9, Episode 4
So What Did We Learn Tonight?
29 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Is Michonne going cra-cra? Engaging Negan in extended conversation seemed against her usual stoic character as Negan can still mind screw and manipulate anyone, even if he is going a lil "bat" sheet crazy after 2 years of incarceration.

Eugene is a really weird dude.

Power is corrupting Mags, Jesus needs to check her ego before its too late. Maybe Mags will gets the honor of killing Ric. Better than Walkers, am i right? Could they be setting the table for a Michonne vs. Mags cat fight over Negan? Hmm.

Rick and Daryl perfectly mix fighting with plot exposition and recap. Exploring each others philosophy and point of view while down in a hole/grave felt very symbolic.

Polly is a really weird chick.

Father Gabe is an expert at appearing humble and altruistic when all along hes really just saving himself. Gabe doesn't fool me, hes got Eugene's cowardice gene. Notice the hungry Walker had the same pearl necklace as his ex-organist?

Carol really does have a pair. Savs appear as desperate as Negan as many would rather die with their boots on than serve Rick and his people. Some bridges just cant be mended.

Rick, the Pied Walker Piper, on a magically appearing White Horse all while Michonne is at home reading fairy tales to Judith, REALLY!?

Ending looked like dumpster Glenn 2.0. Will Rick get saved just to die a lil later? Previews suggest a dream sequence or seeing his life play back while dying.

Here we go, its been a fun ride Sheriff Friendly, gonna miss you dude.

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