The Night Caller: Awful stuff
5 November 2018
This British sci-fi effort stars John Saxon and the excellent Aubrey Morris but beyond the cast has literally not one single redeeming feature.

It tells the story of a mysterious object that falls from the sky and seemingly brings about a malevolent alien entity. What does it want? Can they stop it? Did I even care?

The Night Caller otherwise known as Blood Beast From Outer Space is black and white but can be found in a colourized version. I watched the original as I was informed the colourization was poor in quality.

The film starts interestingly enough but trails off hard. The characters the film opens with seemingly get gradually phased out rendering it's entire construction bizzare.

I wanted to like this but truth be told it was released at a time where b-movie sci-fi's were saturating the industry and this is not one of the better ones.

Worth a hop skip and a jump over.

The Good:

Aubrey Morris

The Bad:

Story trails off

Really dull in places

Poor character development

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I can't see John Saxon without seeing Nancys father
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