Review of Ivanhoe

Ivanhoe (1958–1959)
Ivanhoe the series
24 November 2018
After the action of Sir Walter Scott's great medieval set novel it certainly didn't seem right for Ivanhoe to just ride off into the sunset. British television which syndicated many TV series involving such legends as King Arthur, Robin Hood, and even real characters like Sir Francis Drake Ivanhoe was a natural fit as well.

Young Roger Moore before he became the Saint, or James Bond did 39 episodes of the Ivanhoe television series. He was like a medieval gunfighter going about the country righting wrongs and keeping an eye out for any treachery that Prince John played by Andrew Keir might pulling on the home front while King Richard was doing his crusade thing in the Holy Land. He was aided and abetted in this by Robert Brown, a peasant leader with a nice band of former serfs looking to settle some scores.

Moore did make a dashing Ivanhoe with a heroic presence for the small screen. It was seen here on this side of the pond for years especially after Roger Moore became 007.

A well remembered part of my childhood.
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