One Nightmare Stand (2018 TV Movie)
Mediocre to the last drop
27 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Typical overly obsession themed movie with frivolous tension. The young boyfriend/bad guy Brady was not at all realistic. His character would have better if they gave him a nice slower build up to his evil side. In fact, it would have better if he were not in this movie at all. They certainly took away the surprise when he came to their house, since that was shown in every preview. Wow, what drug did he give her? Again, no gradual build up. She went from sixty to zero in a second...and woke up later perfectly clear. The scene with Brady's dad was stupid. After all the evil things Brady does, and everyone else telling her too, Stephanie still refuses to call the cops. Brady was a jerk and so was Stephanie. They would make a fitting pair. As par for the course, why do movies have multiple titles? A Woman's Nightmare, A Parents Nightmare, or The Wrong Affair? Dallas was a nice different movie location for a change. Descent camera work and nice sets, but visually all the colors were disturbingly saturated. Either watch this on a black and white TV or better yet don't watch it at all. Spoiler alert: When she shoots him (which is a good thing) the stunt dummy falls into the river and floats unlike a real human being.
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