13 Cameras (2015)
Scodes, Toads & freeloads in hackneyed schlock
2 December 2018
This is rich: A not too goofy looking yuppie guy with a cute wife scores with a skank from the office (who is not his wife) and they carry on, WHILE said dudes wife is preggers. His wife is cute, but not very bright, also she is super annoying and sends him on wild goose chases driving hours to buy a chair she ends up not liking . Her idea of an honest days work is yoga AND lunch with her friends,she complains all the time, and by the time we get to know her we start hoping she will be victimized. Meanwhile the bubble headed mistress starts stalking the wife trying to go from girlfriend to home wrecker, so by the time the characters are fleshed out the only one we have sympathy for is the landlord. He is a senior citizen, an affable bafoon, who is doing them a big favor. by renting a house to them they don't appreciate but would sell for like a million five in west LA. They try to portray him as a "creep" (the new N word for any guy over 40) Think about it , this dude rents a high end house at a discount to this basically white trashy cup u know make like 32 k WITH student loans. He is there the next DAY when something breaks, feeds their dog and watches over them at no extra charge. The wifey repays him by cringing when he touches her and won't lend him so much as a toothbrush. She thinks hes ICKY even though without him she would be on the street, dye job and all. The couple lives in the house bickering constantly , especially when dudes so called friend beta buddy rats him out to his own wife . He is like the wingman from hell. They also obsess over the land lords perceived hygiene, or lack thereof, even making fun of an unfortunate skin condition he is struggling with. He is the strong, silent type and doesn't stick up for himself very well. I was gonna give it just like two stars, then saw it through and changed my mind. Kudos to the writers, they don't chicken out, they should write more like this, ones without the Hollywood ending.. I wont be a spoiler but ending has a better twist than the Mexican bar in "dusk till dawn" hee hee.... and it's worth the wait. KUDOS KUDOS.... gold star for bravery in the face of the PC police.
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