Shell shocked!
3 December 2018
Change is not always a good thing and this show definitely is guilty of that. First off the Turtles aren't even brothers anymore. They are all different species of turtles. So the family bond is lost. Their father Master Splinter has changed from a traditional Sensei rat too a loafing overweight gerbil. The people involved must have no respect for character. The original turtles aren't even close to the original concepts. Leonardo is now a sarcastic nitwit. Not the struggling leader that demonstrates quality of character that we all love. Raphael is now the leader which is kind boring because he's has always been the muscle and rebel of the team. They changed April O'Neil from a white redhead to an African American; which I don't understand because it's the base of her character. Why not just create a new character that's African American? I think that would have been a lot more interesting and fun. The biggest problem with this show is it's Nickelodeon at its worst. It's like they took Teen Titans, Ren n' Stimpy, mixed a little Sponge Bob Square Pants, slapped TMNT on it, and made a show that's isn't entertaining in the slightest. Next time Nickelodeon buy the rights to battletoads. You might get some more viewers, because true fans of the series will not continue watching this garbage. The series just doesn't feel like TMNT and that is the biggest reason it can get the shell out of here.
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