3 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Poignant. Unforgiving. Ruthless. Authentic. Sad. This is definitely not a pleasant movie as either bullying is. Based on the book of the same title written by her mother, it tells the true story of a 13 years old who committed suicide after being continuously bullied at school and in social networks by her fellow students. Apart of being a short chronicle about a sadly common social problem and how to face it, the film has some interesting intense moments from unexpected points of view like when Marion's mother asks some of her daughter's fellow studens about what happend at school and they try to avoid her, an angry mother interferes to reprimand her about her attitude towards them and blaming her for what happened to her daughter instead of expressing solidarity or pity to her. She should have known. Even when everybody tries to avoid talking about the matter and preventing it. It is, in a way, the same process Marion suffered at school. Everybody know but nobody talks about it. Even then. Even now. Bullying is a serious problem. And it does not begin at school. It begins at home with parents encouraging or even showing bad attitudes. When Marion sees bullyes sitting on a public bench having fun after Marion's suicide and they are not ashamed but face to her menacing to call the police if she does not quit, we can't help feeling uncomfortable witnesses of a too often fact: bullyes are not seriously blamed by their behavior; instead, bullyed are. Something is wrong in our society when this kind of bad conduct is hidden instead of being publicly exposed and reproved anywhere. If it was done, bullyes soon disappeared. As said, this is a sad story with a sad ending and the worst thing is not the fact that it could have been avoided. The most terrible thing is that it will continue until all of us -the so-called welfare society- decides to really stop it by exposing and condemning bullyes the real way. Until then many more will be ans pour tojours.
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