Decoy: The Phoner (1957)
Season 1, Episode 3
If A Man Calls, Hang Up!
13 December 2018
Poignant episode. Poor pretty Betty has been getting obscene calls from same man. Living alone, she's becoming a nervous wreck. Casey's assigned to stay with her both as moral support and for tracking the caller through phone taps in the basement. Interestingly, however, the caller seems not to be a random stranger, but who then could he be.

Actually, the screenplay tips its hand early by showing us the caller, but we still don't know how he knows his victim. Actress Englund's excellent as the frazzled Betty. Too bad she has so few credits to a spotty career. There's some suspense in the plot, but little location scenery in the filming. Nonetheless, Garland does a good job showing the sympathetic person beneath the professional cop. All in all, it's a 30-minutes of solid human interest from an unusual perspective .
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