In the Fade (2017)
Aus dem Nichts: Lacks the shock factor
27 December 2018
In The Fade is a German revenge themed thriller starring Diane Kruger and it's a just barely passable affair.

It tells the story of a woman who loses her husband and six year old son in an explosion. In a state of mourning the investigation begins, but can she trust the justice system?

I like revenge tales but lately they've been missing their mark somewhat and sadly In The Fade is no exception. To make matters worse I don't have the best history with German cinema, I just rarely find myself enjoying their works.

The performances are passable, the plot is generic but okay, the issue is that it's just not got that shock factor. Her husband and son have been blown into dog food sized chunks, why does it not feel appropriately devastating?

For this reason it lacked the required impact, the bleak slow pace did it no favors and the finale was predictable and underwhelming.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda been better.

The Good:

Strong performances

The Bad:

Lacks impact

Bleak and depressing beyond its needs

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

At least 50% of the films budget was spent on cancer sticks
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