I Love Melvin (1953)
Tap dancing on roller skates
7 January 2019
I'm not a Debbie Reynolds fan, so I only sat through I Love Melvin for Donald O'Connor. It turned out to be worth it, even though the film itself was very silly, because I got to see Donald tap dance in roller skates, something Fred Astaire had done, and something Gene Kelly decided to do two years later. Speaking of Gene Kelly, during Donald's entrance song, he leaps onto a lamppost a la Singin' in the Rain, as if reminding audiences that he was the other fellow in that movie and that this time around, he's going to get Debbie Reynolds. It's a pretty cute song, with each romantic lead describing their ideal whom they haven't met yet, and at the end, they crash into each other.

In another duet, "Where Did You Learn to Dance?" it could be taken another way, if you're not a Debbie Reynolds fan. I guess the producers figured everyone who saw this movie would be a Debbie Reynolds fan, because in another number, she dances with six men: three in Fred Astaire masks and three in Gene Kelly masks. Anyone who looks at her feet when she does a turn can tell she's not a very well-trained dancer, so it's a debatable point as to whether she deserves to dance with three Freds and three Genes.

But, if you want to watch Donald O'Connor tap dancing on roller skates, which is very impressive, you can rent this movie. It's not the best out there, though, so if you're looking for that, check out Call Me Madam.
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