LOUD BOO! - (1 star out of 10)
18 January 2019
The stage curtains open ...

If the movie, "The Room", didn't already exist, this catastrophe would get my vote for the worst film ever. The Fisherman is back with his ever deadly hook and slicker, terrorizing a whole new group of young secret-holders. The only problem is, we are no longer in a coastal town. In fact, we are in the midwest, nowhere NEAR water. A fisherman would stick out about as bad as the horned, red devil himself wielding a fiery trident.

The story is flawed and weak, it's execution even worse. The acting...well, let's just say there isn't any. The cinematography sucks. That's a good word for it ... sucks. The characters are nothing more than fresh bait for the killer, nobody you care for or are invested in. The plot, at best, is cookie cutter. All the usual horror fluff is shown here, but done infinitely better in just about any other horror film. And finally, the ending is SO out of left field that you are left scratching your head in bewilderment. I think you've got the picture.

If you are up late one night, with nothing to do and nothing else to watch and you have the opportunity to watch this movie, go outside and count the little stones on your front porch. That would be a lot more entertaining and fun.

This movie made it on to my List of Worst Sequels/Prequels Ever. And deservedly so.
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