Sex Education (2019–2023)
Fantastic All Around!
18 January 2019
I am so surprised by this show! I'm a 38 year old dude who wouldn't even really consider watching a show like this. I just randomly clicked it because I was bored before going to bed. I typically watch documentaries and shows in the style of The Wire or Game of Thrones. Everything about this show is great! The vibrant acting, the story narrative, the gorgeous cinematography, the absolutely stunning location (Penarth, South Wales), the great characters, the relationships between characters, and Gillian Anderson! I'm also not a fan of sex being portrayed in films and tv because it's usually cringe-worthy, but this is fun and educational. It's like a coming of age film that's really fun but deals with important and complex subjects. I don't typically get hooked on shows but you got me Netflix! Cheers! Well done.
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