Narhwals are Mythical Creatures Too!
23 January 2019
Before tossing this one in the old player I had thought I'd never seen it before. As it turns out, I had, but completely forgotten about it. That is until it kick-started my brain as the movie went on. While I did enjoy watching The Last Unicorn and jogging my own childhood memories, it did make me wonder. Why did completely forget about this film?

The Last Unicorn is about just that. The Last Unicorn in the land who has finally stopped to wonder where everyone else has gone. Hearing from a butterfly that the others of her kind were captured by a Red Bull controlled by a King, she sets off on an epic...while more accidentally epic quest to find them. Along the way, she meets a wizard, and vagrant woman, and gets turned into a human. In the end, she meets the love of her life and turns into a Narwhal or something like that. That's a joke, but honestly, there is a song by America in this movie that talks about Mythical creatures like the Unicorn and Pegasus, in the same reverence as the Magpie and Narwhal...so not that far fetched of a joke.

Jokes aside, The Last Unicorn is a good mixture of cultures and folk tales which is animated superbly. To me, the story left some things to be desired, and the pacing never really kept me in the film. It seemed we would speed ahead in time, and then stop completely at other times. I wasn't expecting a non-stop thrill ride, but a bit of a build-up to the end would have been nice. The voice cast is great with Christopher Lee, Alan Arkin, and Mia Farrow throwing in great performances. Yet, no matter what I liked about this film, it just didn't seem satisfying at the end. I don't know if it was the pacing, or story, or America songs, which I don't think personally fit in the film. But The Last Unicorn left me wanting a better tale to go with the animation that my eyes feasted on.

Still, the movie is a family classic tale with some darker themes that may frighten small children that haven't been ruined by social media yet. I recommend it at least for a watch or two.
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