Review of Genesis

Genesis (II) (2018)
British bore
17 February 2019
In his first autobiography, British actor Michael Caine explained his opinion as to why American movies were usually more popular than British movies, saying that Americans made "moving" movies while the Brits made "talking" movies, with the latter movies often being just "photographed radio". Although things have improved somewhat in the British film industry since Caine made that statement, you still get quite a few "talking" movies made, sometimes even when the genre would make you think otherwise - like this particular science fiction movie. For about 75% of the running time, the movie is pretty much a gabfest, with characters standing around and engaging in boring chat endlessly. It's so dull and uneventful that it took me a great effort not to press "stop" on my remote. Things do pick up somewhat in the last 25% of the movie, but even then what we get to see isn't particularly engaging. It also doesn't help that the movie was made on an obviously limited budget, with cheap-looking sets and drab locations. You'd get much more entertainment seeking out a Sega Genesis than this movie genesis.
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