The Twilight Zone: Third from the Sun (1960)
Season 1, Episode 14
Keep that brilliant twist at the end a secret!
19 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is another "Twilight Zone" episode on that must be watched over and over to truly appreciate and gain everything that it discusses and it's less than half hour running time. Here, the government is working overtime to prevents the end of a civilization and obviously now it is too late. For government worker Fritz Weaver, his goal only surrounds getting his wife (Lori March) and daughter (Denise Alexander) to safety. But where do they go? Standing in their way is the slimy Edward Andrews who like the Nazis in "The Sound of Music" shows up as they prepare to leave to attempt to stop them.

A great cast underplays the stressful situation which is going on around them, with the writers showing the family playing cards with friends and not expressing any worry, knowing that it will be their last night in their home. Teenage daughter Alexander only wants to go out for the evening so Weaver must find ways to keep her at home by inviting over coworker John Moross and his wife (Jeanne Evans) for cards.

With a delightfully creepy performance by Andrews, a strong patriarchal performance by Weaver and a surprisingly adult performance by the young Alexander (later known for playing the lovely Lesley Webber on "General Hospital" for many years), this is a delight with a ton of surprises. The closing narration I did not see coming and once again, found myself engaged in a Twilight Zone that had me dropping my jaw with the twists and turns.
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