Beyond boring...read an obituary instead
2 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
How bad is this? Let me count the ways. There is NO plot. Most of it looks as though a drunk shot it at a frat house party. Bunch of college kids drinking. The criteria for a tolerable B horror flick is five guys, four girls, gratuitous sex scene, boob scenes and one nerd. THIS has too many drunk kids to care about. An hour into it and you are begging for the slasher to start killing people already and on your fourth beer.

The acting is downright horrible. I think they all reall y ARE drunk and stoned. At least I HOPE they were as an excuse for the horrible acting.

The bad thing. You never do know what it is why it is and just how it sucks out eyeballs from across the room but looks like a kindergarten rendition of Bigfoot. It should at least have straw suckers or something to pop out those eye orbs so fast. Why does this giant ugly ass fanged hair monster only take out eyeballs? Not gory or bloody or even remotely interesting. If you have seen Jeepers Creepers you have seen a much better rendition of eyeball gouging.

You cannot even root for the bad thing because it has no backstory that makes logical sense.

And then they use The Holy Grail or some such chalice they find in a basement but is actually the key to whatever is going on but you really aren't sure because you have fallen asleep. I thought was on to another movie.

They attempt romance which is cheesy and the only funny part of the whole movie....too bad it was unintentional. The humor element was so un funny you almost cringe in pain.

I LOVE the B movie genre and I really tried to find something remotely likeable about this movie. Best part of it? That it ended.
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