Funny Cow (2017)
Interesting and tough at times, definitely not a comedy.
7 March 2019
There must have been a misunderstanding; Funny Cow is by no means a comedy. The worthwhile part of this films is its honesty, but it also raises a red flag: why is a film like this necessary today? Watch and find out, is all I can say. Message and meaning apart, there isn't much to praise (unfortunately!). All the characters are at least flat, only the protagonist gets a decent bit of development. Also, I understand a film like this ought to feel bleak and hopeless, so please, please don't tag it as a comedy! People will watch and feel very confused at fist; disappointed about the middle, and disheartened by the end. Funny Cow does have something to say, but only to those who need to hear it. To those that don't, it's just another not-quite-there film. Decent effort put in there, but... meh.
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