Killers (2014)
An overlong but entertaining psychological thriller
8 March 2019
Following two storylines that gradually become entwined, 'Killers' represents another calculated effort from Timo Tjahjanto and his brother: a dark psychological thriller that follows a serial killer and a journalist and their murky psyches that lead to their violent actions.

Nomura is the charismatic but vicious psychopath who targets women, kidnaps them, and brutally kills them in a myriad of ways on film, then posts his kills online for the disturbing pleasure of voyeurs. Bayu is an ambitious journalist with issues of his own, and soon his dark side will be unleashed after encountering Nomura's footage online. So begins a descent into bloodshed for Bayu, who's vigilante crusade unlocks grimy secrets while sending him down a path that almost feels like his true calling as he begins to interact with Nomura in more ways then he's comfortable.

Despite the subject matter, the Mo Brothers are keen to keep a focus on their narrative and central characters. They understand what to show the audience, and what not to show, when to show it, and vice versa. This prevents the violence from becoming gratuitous for the sake of it, keeping the murderous acts horrifying and not nauseating for the inclination of viewer intensity.

The story runs of steam towards the end, unable to sustain its carefully maintained momentum in the home stretch, but its an entertaining ride nonetheless. The tone is dark, the kills are bloody, and the line between right and wrong is crossed and re-crossed. It's a film that looks at the nature of violence, the catharsis of controlled torture, and saddles the viewer with plenty to contemplate as the story careers towards an inevitable showdown between two very unique yet ultimately villainous killers.

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