The birth of a meme.
10 March 2019
When the movie "Breakin'" came out the whole trend of breakdancing was everywhere. It was absolutely huge. So obviously they needed to make a sequel but this time to focus on breakdancing's little brother, Electric Boogaloo. And a meme was born. And I mean that literally. Electric Boogaloo became the standard response to whenever a movie was coming out with a sequel for decades to come.

Batman Returns? No, people called it "Batman 2: Electric Boogaloo". Terminator 2? Of course not. It was "Terminator 2: Electric Boogaloo". It's so popular a saying that even 35 years later people are still making this comment whenever a new sequel is coming out. Usually it is reserved for movies that are less popular or people wonder why they're making a sequel but occasionally you get a wag that didn't get the memo.

The story itself is pretty standard fare. The main characters are back. Kelly is now dancing in some chorus line somewhere and wanting to go to France. While Ozone and Turbo are heading up a youth center called "Miracles". But along comes an evil developer that wants to put up a shopping mall where Miracles is. So the only way to save it is to put on a show, raise a lot of money and make sure that the mortgage on it is paid and that Miracles stays where it is. This is a plot device that I seem to recall being used by the Lil Rascals back in the day. And I mean the actual B&W series from the 30's.

This is cut with scenes of what Shabba-Doo a.k.a Ozone and Boogaloo Shrimp a.k.a Turbo do best which is dance. And let me tell you, this is something they are able to do. When it comes to their acting? Not so much.

To call the plot contrived and the actors not being able to act is like calling a duck a duck. They're not actors, they're dancers and that's what you came to see.

The movie itself is pretty bad but as I said, if you're seeing this for any other reason than either you love bad movies or want to see them dance then you're here for all the wrong reasons.
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