A basic origin film like this was fine a few years ago, now I need more.
14 March 2019
It's so difficult not to compare Captain Marvel to two other recent movies - Alita: Battle Angel and Wonder Woman. Both of those movies started actresses who did a great job of channeling iconic characters - making the audience root for them and showing what makes those characters special. Captain Marvel is lacking in that area.

It's not a bad movie by any means, it's just so unremarkable. It's missing the heart that Wonder Woman and Alita have. Brie Larson (who I know is a good actressss in other movies) is just so blank here. At first I explained that away as a part of the plot, but no she just doesn't give Carol Danvers much of a personality at all. Many comic book fans love these movies because we love these characters, and when it's difficult to invest in the character, it's hard to immerse yourself in the movie.

I will say that the special effects were great, but the plot just seemed to exist to get Captain Marvel to the end of the movie with powers in tow, ready to make her debut in Avengers: Endgame. As origin stories go, this one is just average. It went from mediocre to fairly entertaining by the end, but comic book movies have evolved to the point that my expectations for them are much higher.

Captain Marvel doesn't fail, but it also does not live up to the tagline of "Higher, Further, Faster" very well. I'm hoping the character has a better showing the second time around.
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