Dementia 13 (2017)
Decent as a modern movie, proper as a remake.
27 March 2019
This remake is a nice update of the original. It is a bit of an improvement, while retaining the framework of the first. Both are enjoyable, but this edition benefits from color and technology.....ghostly CGI to be exact. The overall haunting presence of the deceased Kathleen is enhanced at times by depicting supernatural elements that were not present in the original. So, the specter of Kathleen (the drowned sister) is much more active in this movie. She exerts quite a force over the events. Actually, the murderer almost plays second-fiddle to her, at least as far as menacing presences go.

As the characters gather for a family reunion/memorial at their ancestral castle, the plot takes shape. Romantic backstabbing, a robbery scheme, familial financial squabbling, and mental illness all move the story along until the killer takes over. And, even the castle itself makes for a nice lesser background character, with its secret passages, crumbling outbuildings, disturbing statues, and antique furnishings. Unfortunately much of the critical action and talk takes place in one main room, while the rest of the fantastic building was barely used. Other minor tangents are introduced, with some only fraying the chaos beyond relevance. And yet, I would have liked a couple themes to have been expanded on: the construction of the castle using exploited immigrant labor, the family's wealth linked to slavery, and the ability/failure of the male characters to protect or provide. This remake could have earned an extra star by exploring or honing some of its tangents for 10-15 extra minutes. Still, kudos for making the effort.....

The movie overall is good for the first hour. Almost an amped-up Twilight Zone, with moments of brutal gore (but not overdone or fixated on). Well-paced, with decent character development. Unfortunately no one emerges as someone you'd want to see dispatched by the masked killer. And nobody deserves rooting for, either...No huge cinematic drawback either way. Kathleen does sort of lurk throughout the movie, and special fx magic materializes her ghostly presence quite well. The dialogue is acceptable until the final 20 minutes, after which it becomes almost absurd because WHY WOULD PEOPLE FEARING FOR THEIR LIVES SUDDENLY LOSE ALL TRACES OF ADRENALINE WHEN THE KILLER IS UNMASKED?!??!!! Ridiculous, and this downshift really soured the film in my eyes. I was rooting for it and enjoying it as a picture that punched above its weight class. But it sorta pulled back on its final punch, with the killer explaining motivations in a "doctor's office casual" demeanor- not rabid, insane, or menacing enough.

This remake, on its own, is worth seeing. A short run-time helps it be a decent time filler when there is a slow evening. Probably NOT worth seeing if you expect a masterwork or landmark film. Well worth viewing if you have seen and enjoyed the original Dementia 13. Not every new element is successful, but the spirit of the original lingers with this modern remake.
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