Unicorn Store (2017)
I was expecting a point, but I guess not?
9 April 2019

-Weird, but at 27, Brie Larson didn't look even close to the 22/3 y/o character she was portraying -When the dialogue is good, she delivers, but when its bad, she fails. So, ok performance, but she's not making it better than what it is. -The message? As a manchild myself (not to the obvious exageration of the movie) I was ready to empathize with the character and story, but I think they didn't deliver a clear message (I believe it kinds of contradict itself a bit). -We got a "real story" and a "fantasy world". We got real life and her mind. I was expecting a convergence for the finale, and yet they kind of dropped the ball. You can't have the cake and eat it.

----- She matures... by totally giving into her childlike mentallity, which was what got her into the problematic state in the first place, right? I don't know. I dont' think it makes sense, and I don't think anyone cared. They do pay more attention to show a colorful world which I had little to no interest on watching.

In the end, I didn't hate the movie, it had some (a handful) funny scenes and some (a handful) cute scenes, plus terrible attempts at humor, odd acting choices at times by Brie Larson and a tonal dissonance that is not fixed with an ending that makes sense of it.
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