10 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
These films all seem like a student being asked to make an Alien parody for their film studies class. Poorly shot and directed, horrible acting and 2-dimentional characters that have no depth or... character. This is significantly better, plotwise than Alien: Specimen, but the horrible "starving artist" acting is so much more noticeable and distracting, I was actually cringing half the time they were reading their lines. It opens with completely meaningless subtitles telling you the ships name and how many people are on board to try and make you feel sympathy for them when they're blown up ten seconds later, it actually wouldn't have been a bad opening shot, I was finding myself interested until the letters came on screen. The crazy dude, guessing he's a security guard or whatever, had some of the worst line delivery in the movie and then they said something about the alien being able to affect memory? It didn't come up again and was not important at all, and really just served to fill screen time. Then when the, I'm just assuming she's a scientist or something, turns all David and closes the door on the pilot, I couldn't help but groaning. I'm serious, if you just edited in meme noises this is a parody video of the alien franchise. The shaky-camera during the scene where the pilot is walking to the rear of the little ship is hilarious, I'm guessing the intent was to communicate that she was trying to avoid the chestburster by walking on the seats and stuff, but it looked so stupid and cramped like she was just avoiding the camera op or something lol. Finished off with a laughably contrived scene of the walking dead "dont open dead inside" thing and a shot of the ship pulling them in. All I could think of while that was happening was why she couldn't simply just send out a transmission like the one she received from the ship docking them in? Tell them there's an alien in there and that they should just eject it or whatever? No? Gonna write a love note with the cherry jello that came out of that guys chest? Makes sense. It's not terrible, just boring and predictable. Camerawork was funny because of how bad it was, the whole thing felt like an SNL sketch, shot composition was significantly better than the other short film and they didn't take nearly as long getting to the meat of the story, but everything was still very amateur. Once again it felt like a student film or somebody's first attempt, this should've been an easy thing to do, there's so much you could do with the stories in each of the films and the bad acting could be ignored if the actors had anything to do or say that wasn't just exposition or yelling and cursing. Doesn't deserve a 1/10, it certainly didn't try to be anything other than what it is. I guess I respect that a little.
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