Fathom (1967)
Who are the real bad guys anyway???
21 April 2019
Impossible didn't cherish Raquel Welch in it's best days as sex symbol, this hoax picture has so many twists whom let the audience undoubtedly lost in a confuse plot, on purpose of course, but Raquel Welch fits the lack of endless inconsistencies with her charm and sexy appeal, Franciosa played an ambiguous character, therefore Clive Revill doesn't remain any doubt, he is really a crook, Ronald Fraser seems enough trustworthy on first sight, the chinese treasure stolen called "Fire Dragon" was the target to all them, the plot doesn't excite too much, Welch does, in several sexy appearance she overcomes herself, the lavish British production on an amazing landscape on Spain and on shore improves a lot, first class entertainment for all ages, no dated until now!!!


First watch: 1998 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7
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