Conflict (1945)
Suspicion and desire
27 April 2019
Film-noirs/mysteries have always fascinated me, and there are numerous good films to classics. Ones that are impeccably made, tautly scripted, well acted, entertaining and suspenseful. Another interest point is the always seldom less than watchable Humphrey Bogart, one of film's most iconic stars (and deservedly too), evident in particularly one of the greatest screen performances in 'Casablanca'. Sydney Greenstreet is also always dependable and a bright spot in much of his work.

Would never have heard of 'Conflict' if it had not appeared in my recommended for you section, and although it is not a great film as such there are no regrets having watched it. It's good fun and has an appropriate darkness and engrosses, even if it doesn't surprise. It has been compared here to 'The Two Mrs Carrolls', a relatively similar film made in the same period and also starring Bogart, and can see why. Do agree though that this is the much better film, having not cared for the rather bizarre 'The Two Mrs Carrolls'.

Bogart holds 'Conflict' together with ease and intensity and the main reason to see it, the role suits him very well even if it's not one of his best. Greenstreet is every bit as great, subtle and also typically imperious. The exchanges between them blister, with them gelling so well despite being polar opposites. The film is nicely directed and never felt dull. The music serves its purpose well.

'Conflict' is a good looking film, with suitably brooding and stylish photography in particular. The script is taut enough and while the story is flawed it has two diverting enough mysteries that keeps one on their toes, a nice dark tension in its mood and a few suitably unsettling sequences.

Some suspension of disbelief is needed though, as the film does get contrived and silly at times, and neither mystery has enough surprises. The conclusion especially is very obvious and also felt anti-climactic.

Also felt to a lesser extent felt that Alexis Smith came over as rather detached in her role.

In conclusion, good fun and fans of Bogart should find enough to enjoy. 7/10
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