Danger Mouse (2015–2019)
Greenback's most villianous scheme
6 May 2019
... to rid the world of the most essential qualities of Danger Mouse, the world's greatest British cartoon series has triumphed.

In 2015 he successfully sent in American clones of DM, Penfold, Colonel K, as well as himself and the entire production team.

The new producer is Count Duckula. Terrorizing the public with a video game style animation, fast millennial speech, American stereotypes of how Brits talk and the most witless gags ever associated with one of the wittiest British tv shows of all time, Duckula has gotten what he always wanted, his own tv show.

DM and Penfold are long dead by now and turning in their graves as this extroverted, loud and unfunny mess plays on tv's everywhere.

Take a deep sigh and recall fondly how you used to go tee hee hee with the original Danger Mouse.
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