Hapless, hilarious people
23 May 2019
Another somewhat forgotten '80s comedy (at least in my circles), "Ruthless People" has its share of genuine laughs and plot twists, but doesn't feel anything like you'd expect from a Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker joint. It takes a while for the movie to really get going, and the opening is carried entirely by Danny Devito. That said, it's a worthwhile comedy, and features excellent performances by its two leads.

But here's why I would highly recommend this to anyone and their mother: this is the kind of villainous turn that DeVito was seemingly born to play. He's got the face, mannerisms and voice to really epitomize the slimy cretin who's trying to get away with murder; almost the living embodiment of the wicked sneer. This is something akin to his role in "Romancing the Stone" but he is undoubtedly enjoying his time making this movie. It is pure delight.
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