The Perfection: Far from perfect
25 May 2019
What a weird creature this new Netflix movie is, I went in knowing absolutely nothing and walked away wishing I had.

Starring Allison "Get Out"Williams, Steven Weber and Logan Browning it has no problems with its cast at all, solid performers who deliver great performances here.

It's a strange little tale that would be hard to describe on here without giving away spoilers. Let's just say it twists, it turns, it provides flashbacks and I found it utterly unpredictable which is at least something in its favor.

The production values are great, the soundtrack is near flawless, so why the low rating? Well sadly as great as everything else is (And it really is) the plot/script fall apart in a truly impressive way.

The more you think about the plot afterwards the more bafflingly ridiculous it gets. So it doesn't matter if the cast are great, the movie looks good and the soundtrack delivers if the story is a raggedy mess.

If you've seen it take a moment, think about it, think about the decisions that people make and the whole think becomes rather offensively silly.

Memorable, but not even remotely enjoyable.

The Good:

Steven Weber and Logan Browning

Looks and sounds the part

The Bad:

The plot is an abominable mess
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